Meadows Arts and Technology Elementary School

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Outsmarting the Smart Screens

MATES uses technology as a way for students to acquire the habits, skills, and confidence necessary to succeed in school and beyond as contributing citizens of the 21st century. But there should also be moderation.

MATES hosted a presentation on Enhancing Communication and Outsmarting the Smart Screens. View a PDF of the presentation below.

Tool #1 – Setting Limits
This guide highlights some user-friendly tools that will make setting time limits on technology much, much easier. Of course, every family is different. You are the best expert on what works for your children and what are healthy screen time limits for your family. One additional piece of advice – if you try some of these changes, give them time to work! You and bedtime battles, and leave more time for other activities like craft projects and creative play. 

Tool #2 – Offline Fun- Board Games
Here are some fun and educational board game recommendations for different age groups.
Tool #3- On the Go Fun
Road trips with your children don’t have to be difficult ordeals punctuated with a repeated “Are we there yet?” Put away the DVD player, phones and gaming devices and enjoy a fun, interactive, educational time for all the family. Here are ten games to try the next time you’re on the road again. 10 Fun Car Game Ideas