Meadows Arts and Technology Elementary School

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How are charter school's different from regular public schools?
For general information on charter schools, read this FAQ from the California Charter Schools Association.
What are the school hours?
Grades 1-5: 8:10-2:45,
Kindergarten: 8:10-1:30 M,W,Th,F
All Grades: 8:10-1:20 Tuesdays

Is there a dress code?
The MATES dress code is designed to permit students to focus their attention on academics rather than on their attire while at school. Details on the dress code are available in the Dress Code Guidelines section of our website.

Is there child care on campus?
On-site childcare will be provided through the YMCA. All childcare personnel are screened through the YMCA. More detailed information on pricing and enrollment are available in the Child Care section of our website.

Can I volunteer?
There are many volunteer opportunities available and we welcome your helping hands! Consider volunteering in the classroom, signing up for a committee or project through our MATES Community Network (MCN) at the orientations, or attending a MATES board meeting to hear what immediate needs there may be. Together we can make MATES a wonderful learning community for our children. 

Will there be fundraising?
Yes! Like all public schools, state budget cuts affect our bottom line. We must fundraise to provide our children with the “extras” that we all value so much.

When can I tour the campus?
School tours are available during our open enrollment period beginning in January.  More details are available on the School Tours section of the MATES website.

When can we meet our child’s teacher?
Class placements are given out on the day of our Back to School Bash, and you can meet your child’s teacher at the Back to School Bash.

Are the teachers credentialed?
All MATES teachers are credentialed. MATES has the highest caliber staff! Be assured that your students will be in excellent hands.

Is there a Resource Teacher and/or Speech Therapist?
Yes. We have a Resource Teacher, School Psychologist, and a Speech Therapist to serve the needs of students with an IEP.

Is there a GATE program?
Yes. The needs of our GATE identified students are met primarily within the classroom through differentiated instruction, clustering, and the use of GATE icons.

What is the curriculum like?
MATES has a curriculum team comprised of board members, teachers and community members.  The committee meets regularly to evaluate current and new instructional materials, review existing programs and develop Common Core based lessons for each grade level. This hard working team has been in place since the charter’s inception. Detailed information about the curriculum will be presented at Back to School Night by your child’s teacher and at a series of Parent Education Evenings. Generally speaking, the curriculum will include a literature based program for language arts, lots of thematic and project based learning, and as much art and technology as we can infuse!

When are band and chorus offered?
MATES is fortunate to have a full-time music specialist, Mr. Frank LaGuardia.  Students receive instruction in music during the school day twice a week.  We currently have a Music Lab which includes keyboards, guitars, and Orff instruments.  Band is offered to our fourth and fifth graders at no additional charge (Parents are responsible for obtaining their child’s musical instrument).  Additional after-school enrichment opportunities are also available through Conejo Valley Recreation and Park District, including Junior and Senior Chorus.

When will open enrollment begin for next year?
Open enrollment typically begins in January.  Watch our website for dates of open enrollment.