California Education Code Requirements
California Education Code (EC) Section 47605(d)(4) (
codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=47605&lawCode=EDC) states the following:
■ A charter school shall not discourage a pupil from enrolling or seeking to enroll in a charter school for any reason, including, but not limited to, academic performance of the pupil or because the pupil exhibits any of the following characteristics:
■ Academically low-achieving
■ Economically disadvantaged (determined by eligibility for any free or reduced price meal program)
■ English learner
■ Ethnicity
■ Foster youth
■ Homeless
■ Nationality
■ Neglected or delinquent
■ Race
■ Sexual orientation
■ Pupils with disabilities
■ A charter school shall not request a pupil's records or require the parent, guardian, or pupil to submit the pupil's records to the charter school before enrollment.
■ A charter school shall not encourage a pupil currently attending the charter school to disenroll from the charter school or transfer to another school for any reason (except for suspension or expulsion).
■ This notice shall be posted on a charter school's Internet website and a charter school will provide copies of this notice (1) when a parent, guardian, or pupil inquires about enrollment; (2) before conducting an enrollment lottery, and (3) before disenrollment of a pupil.
Complaint Procedures
In order to submit a complaint, complete the Charter School Complaint Form and submit the form to the charter school authorizer, electronically or in hard copy, to the following location:
Ventura County Office of Education (VCOE)
5189 Verdugo Way
Camarillo, CA 93012