Meadows Arts and Technology Elementary School

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Resources » Parking Lot & Volunteer Procedures

Parking Lot & Volunteer Procedures

Our concern for student safety at MATES has prompted the following procedures. We are sure that everyone realizes we are implementing these procedures because our children’s safety is priority number one. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring the safety of our MATES students.

La Granada Drop Off / Pick Up Zone

We ask that all parents help during our drop off and pick up times when using our drop off zone (the zone just above the cross walk on La Granada).

  • Please pull as far as possible past the cones.
  • For the children’s safety, we ask that they walk down the sidewalk on the fence side of the concrete wall.
  • There is NO PARKING or DOUBLE PARKING at any time in the drop off zine.  If you would like to park your car and walk your child in, please use the surrounding side streets or the area of La Granada just before the school entrance.
  • Drop off or walking in the street is NOT permitted at any time.
  • When using the crosswalk, please stay on the curb and watch for directions or signals from the crossing guards prior to crossing.
  • Parking in the upper lot is for permit/staff parking only.


Parking Lot Access

  • No parking lot access at anytime without a permit, including enrichment class pick up. All parking is on nearby streets. Exceptions made for picking up a sick child, but please park in an unmarked spot or pull up in front of the school.
  • Upper lot is for staff only. Those with a permit are not allowed to pull out during dropoff and pick up to ensure the safety of our students.
  • When entering or exiting the lot, please use your signal indicators
  • Please also note that there is NO PARKING AGAINST THE RED CURB in front of the school. You may pull up to pick up a sick child. But otherwise, you must park on the street if you do not have a parking permit.
  • Handicap permits grant access to the lot at any time.
  • Temporary permits will be issued for those that need access because:
    • 1.) Student has broken leg/foot injuries.
    • 2.) Parent has temporary medical problems and is unable to walk student.
    • Temporary permits may be obtained in the school office. Please place this permit on your dashboard so you will be given access to the parking lot.



  • Volunteers and visitors at MATES campus must enter through the office by scanning their drivers license and wearing a visitor’s badge while on campus.
  • All school gates will be locked between 8:20 am and 2:35 pm (1:10 on Tuesdays).
  • Forgotten lunches and packages should be delivered to the office.  The staff will see that the item is delivered to the student. You may not deliver anything directly to your student's classroom during school hours, even if you receive a visitor badge.