Meadows Arts and Technology Elementary School

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Parent Welcome Social Sept. 17th   7-10 pm      Picture Day September 27th - FREE DRESS!

Mission & Philosophy

Mission Statement

Instituting a vision that welcomes innovation, honors the past, transforms the future, commands achievement, and empowers all children through the Arts and Technology.


The guiding principle that drives MATES is simple. We collectively believe that children deserve our best effort in providing a safe, stimulating, enriched learning environment where every child thrives. This includes a focus on academic excellence within the research-supported framework of the arts and technology, Project-Based Learning opportunities, strong teacher collaboration, high expectations of achievement in core content areas, and community involvement.

The cornerstone of our philosophy is based on a well-defined, forty-five-year history of excellence at Meadows Elementary. The rich artistic and academic environment that has existed in the community for decades will now be highlighted with the formation of the MATES Charter School. MATES staff and parents are involved in the design and operation of the school and give immense time and energy to strengthen the culture of excellence. Every adult on campus believes in the MATES Philosophy of providing our best effort for all children. Come experience what many seek!