Meadows Arts and Technology Elementary School

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MATES Board Committees

MATES needs you! Do you have expertise in any of the following areas? Join a MATES Committee and get involved. (Meeting times are subject to change.)  To see committee meeting agendas and minutes, click here.

Budget Committee:

Works with the MATES Business Services Authority representative and MATES Administration to develop and update the annual budget. Members review the Local Control Funding Formula and the governor’s budget proposals to ensure that all operating expenses are within the MATES budget and that the school is operating in a fiscally responsible manner. 

Committee Chair: Monique Foster

[email protected]

Curriculum Committee:

Coordinates with MATES teaching staff to oversee curriculum choices to make decisions about new curricular adoptions and to make sure the needs of the teachers are met.

Committee Co-chairs: Rebecca Sparks & Denise Bain [email protected]

[email protected]

Personalized Learning Program Committee:

Works to oversee the effectiveness of the PLP home study program.  It will monitor the progress of the new program and make recommendations for the future to ensure the needs of the PLP staff, families, and students are met.

Committee Chair:  Laura Kiszczak  [email protected]

Technology Committee:

Monitors the progress of technology use and develops new, innovative practices for technology to continue to bring the “T” to MATES. The committee researches the best use of technology in the curriculum, arranges professional development, and monitors the infrastructure in coordination with the computer specialist. The committee collaborates with staff regarding the current needs and researches new pedagogical technologies.

Committee Co-Chairs: Chris Haynes & Sally Tuchman  [email protected] [email protected]

Performing Arts Committee:

The Performing Arts Committee works with the Music Specialist and Dance Specialist to support these special programs at MATES. It proposes and assists with the development and promotion of curriculum-based performing arts events at MATES.

Committee Chair: Frank LaGuardia

[email protected]

Safety Committee:

In case of an emergency, MATES needs to be prepared in order to ensure the safety of all our students. The Safety Committee works to prepare for natural disasters and other emergencies. The committee checks the emergency supplies and equipment, oversees monthly drills, and performs classroom safety checks.                      

Committee Co-chairs: Kristi Klingerman & Gurminder Turner                

[email protected] [email protected]

Visual Arts Committee:

Collaborates with the teachers to support and promote the visual arts program at MATES. The Visual Arts Committee develops and considers proposals in order to infuse the “A” in MATES into the curriculum. It also works to support art-related family events at MATES.

Committee Chair: Suzanne Shaffer & Sophia Ortega  [email protected] [email protected]


DEI Committee:


This committee works to cultivate an inclusive learning atmosphere that celebrates individual differences and ensures that everyone in the MATES community is seen, heard, and finds belonging. 


Committee Chair: Chris Summers  [email protected]