Meadows Arts and Technology Elementary School

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Ms. Emily Glass » Monthly Concepts

Monthly Concepts



Social Studies Themes: Focusing on Community in the classroom. 


Science Themes: Seasons. Understanding the rotation of the earth around the sun. 


Core Values: Studying  MATES Core Value Characteristics through the books, How To Fill a Bucket, The Happy Classroom, and Mean Jean the Recess Queen


Math:  Studying Patterns, problem solving and 0-10 addition and subtraction facts. 


Core Literature Books: ABC I Like Me, Leo the Late Bloomer and  Today is Monday


Writing:  We will be reviewing printing. The students will also be studying punctuation and how to write a complete sentences. Each child will be producing classroom big books as well as several individual books called All About Me and Ten Green Dots.


Reading: We will be assessing the first three weeks and then form "just right" reading groups. Each group will be getting books to read, study and take home at their exact reading level. Thank you to the parents who volunteer during our reading center time. Due to your dedication we are able to run a more individualized reading program.  


Phonics & Spelling: We will be focusing on reviewing the short vowel sounds.  Students will be working on numerous hands-on activities.  Our spelling program is "Words Their Way". It is an interactive program that allows students to blend sounds, create word chunks  and spell words with word tiles. It is a researched based program that has been proven to help beginning spellers to manipulate sounds and maintain spelling rules in their long term memory.


How can I help my child?

1) Check out the "Tool Kit" page on my website. It has many ideas to help reinforce skills taught in the classroom at home.


2) It is a great time to teach responsibility. Help your child to remember to bring their backpack and homework folder each day to class.


3) Thank you for your detailed comments on the reading log. Continue to set a time each day (or night) to read to your child or have your child read to you for at least 15 minutes. Find a quiet area without distractions and make it fun! Research shows that reading out loud to your child will help them with fluency, vocabulary and instills a love for books!


4) Please review any classwork that comes home in the HW folder with your child. Ask questions about their work and always have your child read their assignments out loud to you. There will be many "making word" letter bags coming home. Allow time for your child to make as many words as possible with these letters. This activity can be repeated several times a week to reinforce spelling and reading.


5) Ask your child to tell you addition stories (this is a great way to pass time while they are in the car). Make it a game where you tell an addition story and your child comes up with the answer and then switch and your child tells an addition story and you answer it.  Help your child memorize 0-10 addition facts through computer games, flashcards and card games. 


5) Don't forget to pack a healthy snack for first recess!