Meadows Arts and Technology Elementary School

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Sally Tuchman » FAQ


What are Tuch Bucks?
Students will be rewarded for positive behavior and performance in class through a classroom monetary incentive program. Classroom cash, known as Tuch Bucks, will be earned on a daily basis for such things as punctuality, assignment completion, returning Wednesday folders, and on-task behavior.  Conversely, students will be charged for such things as restroom breaks and missing assignments.  Classroom cash can be redeemed for specific privileges, including homework passes, sit with a friend, sit at teacher's desk, and raffle drawings for items from our treasure box.  In the end, student behavior and performance improve as they strive to take advantage of this empowering and positive incentive program.
Google Classroom
Head to Google Classroom to find useful links, HW, your weekly to-do list, and quizzes. 
What is your 3 strikes policy?
Every day all students start on green. If a student breaks a rule in class they will earn strike 1 (yellow), which is a warning.  If they break  another rule in the same day, they will earn strike 2 (orange), which is an in class time out. They move to the side table and while they are still responsible for the work in class, they are not able to participate with the group during the 10 minutes of their time out. Once the 10 minutes is up, they politely ask to rejoin the class. If they break another rule that day, they earn strike 3 (red). For strike 3, they need to call home and explain their strikes to their parents, as well as bring home a letter that needs to be signed and returned the following day. At any time students can move in or out of a strike zone. Each day the slate is wiped clean for a fresh start tomorrow!

What if my child is ill?

If your child is sick, PLEASE keep them home since even with masks, germs can spread. Also, it is extremely helpful if classwork and homework are picked up while students are home sick. If the work piles up while they are out, it is difficult to catch up and keep up with current work when students return. If you request work at the end of the day, please make every effort to pick it up that day.  If your child is out sick please remember to report this absence by 9 a.m. You can call MATES' 24 hour absence hot-line at 805-495-1955. 


If I'm absent, do I still need to complete my missed classwork and homework?

Absolutely...homework is not an option, it's required!! Missed classwork needs to be completed as well. When you're absent a parent can pick up work at the end of the day or I will always make every effort to send it home with someone who lives near you. I keep a record of what you missed and it is your responsibility to complete the work soon after you return. If you are out for an extended period of time you will have a week to complete the work. Remember, while completing the work you missed, you must keep up with the work we're currently working on.

If I bring in my weekly Wednesday folder in on Friday, is it still worth Tuch Bucks?

No, it's only worth Tuch Bucks the first day it's due. Weekly folders will go home the same day that Wednesday folders go home and will be due back on Thursday. If a parent signature is required it's only worth Tuch Bucks on the specified days. Bonus cash is awarded to tables with all their folders returned Thursday!

If I have a problem, should I come to you directly or have my mom call?

You should definitely come to me directly! We can discuss the situation and work it out together. My door is ALWAYS open!  This is good practice for middle school, where your parents will have very little involvement and it will be up to you to talk to teachers and work out problems.  If you don't feel like a situation has been fixed, then you can always ask your parents to get involved.


How should parents let Ms. Tuchman know of a problem or concern? 

If you have a question or concern, the best way to let me know is by e-mail. Please give me as much detail as you can in the e-mail and I can often answer with a return email. If I can't, we'll set up a mutually convenient time after school to discuss. Please understand that I cannot engage in lengthy parent discussions in the morning before school starts, as I am eager to get to work with the kids.


If I don't understand a concept, should I just wing it on the next test?

No, don't wing it, come and see me! If we spend just 5 minutes at recess discussing your confusion, it will help you better understand the concept, and most likely you'll do well on the next test. Winging it is not encouraged!

What happens if I do poorly on a test?

If you score a 1 or 2 on a math, core lit., science or social studies test, you will be given the opportunity to correct your mistakes in class with Ms. Tuchman or at home with the help of a parent, if needed. By correcting these tests, you can bump a 1 to a 2 or a 2 to a 3.

What do I include for Me Museum and when I do I present it to the class?

Me Museum is a way for students to present personal information about themselves that might include photos, both recent and of themselves as babies, trophies, collections, or special possessions. If you play a musical instrument you can bring it in and play for the class. Anything that helps us know you better! You can also create a Google Slide document to share. Items can be brought in at any time during the week and is presented to the class on Thursday or Friday. Once the student has shared their mementoes, they take questions from their classmates. Me Museum participants are chosen each week randomly and if a student has a busy week coming up, they can decline and their name is thrown back into the pool. I have found that students love the opportunity to share about themselves, we all love getting to know each other better, and it's great practice for speaking in public. No student is required to do a Me Museum, so just let me know if this is something you do not want to do.  Remember to try and bring in a variety of items to share. Students can get bored looking at 30 photos.

*Please note that Me Museums are not a time for edible treats!



It's my birthday, can I bring in treats for the class?

Yes, but please make it a mini! Small, easy to serve treats are perfect. Please no cakes or anything that requires cutting. 


Can I get an Independent Study for an extended absence?

We can give Independent Study work to any student who is going to miss school for two or more days due to illness or a family emergency. My expectations are that students will thoroughly complete their Independent Study and bring all the completed work with them when they return to school.  It is impossible for me to collect the work in bits and pieces. I will always give your child a list of the work to be completed and I expect the work back with that list attached, and each piece of work labeled correctly. If there is work that students are unclear about they need to go over it with a parent during the absence or let me know when they return, so that I can ensure that they have an understanding of the material. State law requires that the work be turned in so that MATES gets credit for the Independent Study. For this reason I must receive all the work back in a timely manner. Students also need to return to school prepared to take any tests missed during their absence. Independent Study is a commitment on all our parts.